You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile.
Under review, submitted, in preparation
Marissa Childs, Mariana Martins, Andrew J. Wilson, Sam Heft-Neal, Minghao Qiu, Marshall Burke. Growing wildfire-derived PM2.5 across the contiguous U.S. and implications for air quality regulation. submitted
Qingyang Wu, Linshuang Yang, Xinyu Dou, Minghao Qiu. Carbon Capitalism in China: Does Carbon Emission Trading Widen the Divide of Carbon Emission Inequality? (under review)
Renzhi Jing, Sam Heft-Neal, Zetianyu Wang, Jie Chen, Minghao Qiu, Isaac M. Opper, Zachary Wagner, Eran Bendavid. Loss of Schooling from Tropical Cyclones: Evidence from 13 Low- and Middle-income Countries. (revise and resubmit)
Minghao Qiu, Gang He, Peter Marcotullio. Health and climate benefits of power generation from imported solar photovoltaic in the United States. (revise and resubmit)
Minghao Qiu, Jessica Li, Carlos Gould, Renzhi Jing, Makoto Kelp, Marissa Childs, Jeff Wen, Yuanyu Xie, Meiyun Lin, Mathew Kiang, Sam Heft-Neal, Noah S Diffenbaugh, Marshall Burke. Wildfire smoke exposure and mortality burden in the US under future climate change. (revise and resubmit) Preprint NBER Working Paper
^ denotes equal contribution
(18) Minghao Qiu, Deyang Chen, Makoto Kelp, Jing Li, Guanyu Huang, and Mahdieh Danesh Yazdi. The rising threats of wildland-urban interface fires in the era of climate change: The Los Angeles 2025 fires. The Innovation, 2025 HTML
(17) Emma Krasovich Southworth, Minghao Qiu, Carlos F. Gould, Ayako Kawano, Jeff Wen, Sam Heft-Neal, Kara Kilpatrick Voss, Alandra Lopez, Scott Fendorf, Jennifer Burney, Marshall Burke. Quantifying the chemical composition and health implications of wildfire smoke PM2.5 in the contiguous US. Environmental Science and Technology, 2025 HTML
(16) Ayako Kawano , Makoto Kelp, Minghao Qiu, Kirat Singh, Eeshan Chaturvedi, Ines Azevedo, Marshall Burke. Improved daily PM2.5 estimates in India reveal inequalities in recent enhancement of air quality. Science Advances, 2025 HTML Preprint
(15) Minghao Qiu, Makoto Kelp, Sam Heft-Neal, Xiaomeng Jin, Carlos F. Gould, Daniel Tong, Marshall Burke. Evaluating chemical transport and machine learning models for wildfire smoke PM$_{2.5}$: Implications for assessment of health impacts. Environmental Science and Technology, 2024 HTML
(14) Shan Niu^, Minghao Qiu^, Li Li, Chenfei Qu, Da Zhang. Climate Actions, Persistent Pollutants, and Human Health: A Call for Integrated Assessments. Environmental Science and Technology VIEWPOINT, 2024 HTML
(13) Guochao Chen, Minghao Qiu, Peng Wang, Yuqiang Zhang, Drew Shindell, Hongliang Zhang. Continuous wildfires threaten public and ecosystem health under climate change across continents. Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. (FESE), 2024 HTML
(12) Maja Schlüter, Christa Brelsford, Paul J Ferraro, Kirill Orach, Minghao Qiu, Martin D Smith. Unraveling complex causal processes that affect sustainability requires more integration between empirical and modeling approaches. PNAS, 2023 HTML
(11) Haitong Zhe Sun et al. Antagonism between ambient ozone increasing and urbanisation-oriented population migration on Chinese cardiopulmonary mortality. The Innovation, 2023 HTML
(10) Marshall Burke, Marissa L. Childs, Brandon de la Cuesta, Minghao Qiu, Jessica Li, Carlos F. Gould, Sam Heft-Neal, Michael Wara. Wildfire influence on recent US pollution trends. Nature, 2023 HTML Preprint
Media: Stanford News, WSJ, CBS News, NYT
(9) Paul Picciano^, Minghao Qiu^, Sebastian Eastham, Mei Yuan, John Reilly, Noelle E. Selin. Air Quality-Related Equity Implications of U.S. Decarbonization Policy. Nature Communications, 2023 HTML Preprint
Media: MIT News
(8) Minghao Qiu, Nathan Ratledge, Ines Azevedo, Noah Diffenbaugh, Marshall Burke. Drought impacts on the electricity system, emissions, and air quality in the western US. PNAS, 2023 HTML Code & Data Preprint
Young Professional Best Paper Award, US Association for Energy Economics 2023
Media: Stanford News, the Hill, AGU Eos, The Seattle Times, New Scientist, Grist
(7) Minghao Qiu, Cory Zigler, Noelle Selin. Impacts of wind power on air quality, premature mortality and exposure disparities in the US. Science Advances, 2022 HTML Code & Data
Media: MIT News, US News & World Report, HealthDay, The Verge
(6) Marissa Childs, Jessica Li, Jeff Wen, Anne Driscoll, Sherrie Wang, Carlos Gould, Minghao Qiu, Jen Burney, Marshall Burke. Daily local-level estimates of ambient wildfire smoke PM2.5 for the contiguous US. Environmental Science & Technology, 2022 HTML Code & Data
(5) Minghao Qiu, Cory Zigler, Noelle Selin. Statistical and machine learning methods for evaluating emissions reduction policies under changing meteorological conditions. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2022 HTML Code & Data
(4) Minghao Qiu, Jens Borken-Kleefeld. Using snapshot measurements to identify high-emitting vehicles. Environmental Research Letters, 2022 HTML Code & Data
Before 2021
(3) Minghao Qiu^, Yangqin Weng^, Jing Cao, Noelle Selin, Valerie Karplus. Improving evaluation of energy policies with multiple goals: Comparing ex ante and ex post approaches. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020 HTML Code & Data
(2) Haozhe Yang, Wei Tao, Ying Liu, Minghao Qiu, Junfeng Liu, Kejun Jiang, Kan Yi, Yao Xiao, Shu Tao. The contribution of the Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei region’s iron and steel industry to local air pollution in winter. Environmental Pollution, 2018 HTML
(1) Kai Wei, Minghao Qiu, Rongfei Zhang, Liantong Zhou, Ting Zhang, Maosheng Yao, and Chunxiong Luo. Single Living yEast PM Toxicity Sensor (SLEPTor) System. Journal of Aerosol Science, 2017 HTML
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